Margin Geek Demo


Margin Geek uses AI to scan wholesale product opportunities for Amazon FBA. Upload a supplier product sheet, and we'll send you a scan output that looks like this.

What makes our scans unique?

Our scans find you more opportunities because we not only use code search (with UPCs, EANs), but we also search based of text, using AI to evaluate the text results for matches.

We also save you time by delivering a go / no-go suggestion, which is made possible by our volume and profitability forecasts, as well as the conversion factor logic, which allows us to convert your purchase pricing units into the selling unit of measure.

Ultimately, this helps you find more opportunities while saving time, which means you'll be placing bigger buy orders, winning discounts, and driving more profit.

Start Scanning

It's easy to try it out for yourself once you have a supplier price list. You can start scanning here, and with our free, pay-as-you-go plan, you can easily scan small batches affordably with no commitment.


To get the best results, please check out our posts on how to scan, and how to review your results prior to selling. You are also welcome to contact us anytime!

Julian Ghadially
December 10, 2024
min read
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